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UK Agriculture: A Greenprint for UK Farming report

As the biggest customer of UK agriculture, bringing our customers healthy, affordable and sustainable food wouldn’t be possible without our farmers and producers. 

Read our Greenprint reportGreenprint report

Our British farmers play a pivotal stewardship role when it comes to our natural environment.

Delivering on this is no easy task. In the last year alone, we’ve seen unprecedented flooding and unpredictable weather patterns disrupt the typical farming calendar, while inflation has put pressure on the price of inputs, including energy, fertiliser and animal feed.

What our farmers said:




are already seeing the impacts of climate change on their farms.

want to be able to do more to make their farms environmentally friendly.

haven't been able to implement all the environmental measures they want. High upfront costs, the risk of poor financial returns and a lack of policy certainty were cited as the top reasons.

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It’s clear the sector needs further support if we’re to deliver on our climate and nature goals, so we asked our farmers where they most need support. Our Greenprint report, published alongside our partners at Harper Adams University's School of Sustainable Food and Farming is the result of consultation with our farmers.

The report sets out recommendations across several key areas, including a long-term vision for the sector, financial certainty, innovation, standards and data, and attracting future talent. We want to work with industry and government to ensure these recommendations are acted on. 


This report has been developed with Harper Adams University’s School of Sustainable Food and Farming to better understand farmers' experiences and share their views on how to achieve a more sustainable future for UK agriculture.

Its findings are based on a survey of more than 300 farmers, conducted at agricultural shows across the country, as well as in-depth roundtable discussions with farmers across our arable, livestock and fresh produce supply chains.